Sunday, July 28, 2013

C64 Scene - Still Alive and Well

I didn't own a Commodore 64 when I was young, I've started my "digital career" on an IBM PS/2 back in around 1994. The C64 and Amiga machines always had that obscure but very personal vibe for me. Lately I bought my first Commodore because I always found it fascinating to work with limited options and resources. To create an image or an animation on it is like doing brain surgery with your hands tied behind your back. Sure it's doable, but you have to have a lot of creativity and patience. You think the C64 scene is dead? Think again, there are thousands of people still coding and working on Commodores, Amigas, ZX Spectrums - mostly in the demoscene though. Here are some examples, get ready to have your mind blown:

Here are some fresh examples from 2013:

The next one is maybe the most iconic PC Demo ever made, Second Reality from Future Crew, here is the original and below it the C64 conversion.

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