Monday, July 29, 2013

Frankenstein's Army

Several years ago there was a Dutch nazi themed horror film in development titled Worst-Case-Scenario, it got a few nice trailers and even a good buzz on the internet, but unfortunately it was never realized. I slowly forgot about the whole project until I came across this little trailer:

This one is R Rated, so make sure to login before you click play:

This one is a little softer, but missing some cool scenes:

After watching it I noticed some familiar "creature" faces from the Worst-Case-Scenario trailers, I've checked the director, Richard Raaphorst and remembered his name because I emailed him back then about the movie and he replied, we exchanged a few emails, he was a nice guy. So finally he made his movie, I'm really happy for him, it took many years, but I'm sure it payed off. It's already out on dvd and blueray, you can check it out for yourself. Frankenstein's Army.

And here are the Worst-Case-Scenario trailers from many years ago, they still hold up and I'm sure you can see the similarities.

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