Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New R rated Riddick trailer

It's opening september 6th in the USA, september 5th here in Hungary, I hope they will show it without dubbing because that just makes it impossible for me to sit trough a movie, hungarian dubbing is not like it's used to be 20-30 years ago... just a side note.

Anyway, for the third (if you don't count the animated short and the games) installment it looks like they made much more like the first one, Pitch Black, which for me was always the favorite one. The second movie was still great, but it was a bit detached for me, more shallow, but now we are in a closed environment again, which fact helps it make it feel more personal, claustrophobic, helpless - all good factors for a great horror film. This is the first R rated trailer from the new movie, I hope throughout august we will get some more of these, Riddick is bad ass, check it out and make sure to be logged into youtube, otherwise it won't let you watch it:

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