Saturday, August 17, 2013

Best Opening Credits for TV Shows - Part 2.

Here are some more of the best openings for TV shows.

The first one is from a new show, The Newsroom. The first season had a simple, not too interesting opening sequence, but I guess they realized their mistake and renew the opening for the second season. Great, intimate images, colors, nothing flashy, perfectly composed, this is how you do it:

The next one is opening sequence of the HBO series called The Pacific. It's a WW2 miniseries with great production value, but the opening in itself is a little masterpiece. The live footage mixed with charcoal drawings fits perfectly the mood of the series, you can see that they really put a lot of effort in it. Check it out:

Lastly here is a series which I'm not really fond of, but it has a really cool comic book style opening, so if not the series at least intro is worth checking out, Strike Back, here it is:

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