Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Trailers

First we have the new trailer for the upcoming Thor sequel. The first one was really good in my opinion and it shaped the Avengers movie to become one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. This one looks also promising, though Kenneth Branagh is not the director anymore, check it out:

The next one is the trailer for the new Ridley Scott movie and it looks really interesting with a lot of good actors. Prometheus was a real miss I think and I really hope that he can redeem himself with a good movie soon enough, maybe this is the one? The Counselor.

Lastly here is an independent horror comedy with a really strange plot titled Bad Milo. It's story about a guy who realizes that a parasite monster is living in his intestines. I can't help it but I find the creature somehow friendly and kind looking, it's a must see for horror fans, check it out.

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