Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Video Games: The Movie

Here is a brand new documentary about the history of video games - looks really interesting and well done, check out the trailer:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ben Sack

Ben Sack is an american graphic artist creating extremely busy and detailed, realistic looking images. You can spend minutes, even hours looking at all the details. I guess you need a lot of patience to do this. I only have one question, where's Waldo?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Perturbator - 16bit Music Video

It's really trendy these days to create something new with a retro feel to it, even go as far as using the limited technologies of a bygone era, limited resolution, limiter color palette. For my eyes these kind of experiments are a treat, but guess the younger generation, who never played the Sega MegaDrive or the SNES might find these odd.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Demo for the SNES

The retro gamer scene and the demoscene has quite a few common members, but it's still rare to scene a demoscene product on a gaming system. Here is one from this year, Nu by Elix for the Gathering 2014 demoscene party, enjoy.