Friday, February 28, 2014

Life After Pi

Rythm & Hues Studios is one of the classic VFX studios in Hollywood, they worked on countless productions bringing fantastic locations and characters to life, creating extraordinary illusions. They got an oscar award for their work on Life of Pi but soon after the company went bankrupt. It's a really sad story and they are not the only ones. Support the VFX industry, don't let these fantastic teams go to waste. Here is a short documentary with the story:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

50 Years of Space Exploration

Here is a neat little infographic showing how far into space our spacecrafts ventured already. It's interesting to see just how many different missions there were over the years, for example I would have never thought that there were as many as 49 missions exploring Venus alone, even more than to Mars.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Li Hongbo - Moving Statues

Li Hongbo is a chinese artist working in Beijing. He had exhibitions all over the world showcasing his unique approach to statues. His sculptures are not fixed, they can morph into different characters creating new shapes, forms, emotions. Interesting stuff indeed.

Godzilla - Feature Trailer

Here is the full trailer for the upcoming Godzilla feature and it doesn't disappoint, no jokes, no cheesiness just full blown mayhem, it's gonna be good:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weird Video Game Tribute Video

As a big fan of retro video games it's always a treat for me to see a tribute to the 8bit or 16bit era, this is a little bit too weird though... but what do I expect from Japan anyway?


Blocks are cool, just think about the Rubic cube or Minecraft. Erik Aberg found yet another way to make them even cooler, check it out:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy - First Trailer

I was skeptical about this movie when I've seen the first images and characters, I was afraid that they are going to take it too seriously. After watching the trailer it seems that it's quite the opposite, Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be a fun and entertaining, can't wait to see it:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Rachel Baran - Surrealistic Selfies

Rachel Baran is only 20 years old yet her pictures already conquered a lot of blogs, news sites, galleries etc. There is a very strange, surreal feel to them yet they are all very conceptual and beautifully composed.

Check out her tumblr and flickr page for more images.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Most Influential Movie That Was Never Made - Jodorowsky's Dune

The first movie I've seen from Jodorowsky was Holy Mountain and his style immediately hit me, it was so different from anything I've seen in movies. Since then I've watched all of his movies and read stories about his life and he became even more interesting.

One movie that always came up was Dune, there are loads of concept arts, storyboard sketches on the internet and it's obvious that it would have been something extraordinary if it gets finished. Sadly that wasn't the case but here is a documentary which might give a little more insight about this extremely influential but non existent movie:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sabotage - Red Band Trailer

As a big fan of Arnold I have to post this new hardcore trailer for Sabotage, I'm really looking forward to seeing this film, go Arnie!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Animated Wind Map of the Earth

Check out this online animated wind map for the earth, you can zoom in, rotate and enjoy the thousands of little moving lines on your screen. Not very useful but very beautiful indeed: