Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Weird Music Videos

I have two kind of weird music videos for today, none of them are new and they didn't make a big stir back in their time, but I still love them... and the music too.

The first one is from Hella, the title is Try Dis and it was released around 2005. The video is about a down-syndrome guy flying through basically everything with a lots of weird shit happening around him. Lot of people mind find the state of the guy or the nature of the video offensive, but I think it's all positive and I'm sure for him the shooting and seeing the final video was the experience of his life.

The second video is from Horse the Band, a band playing nintendo-core... I'm not sure if there's such a thing but if there is then for sure it's what they are playing. This video goes into absurdity after a few seconds and it's just a total downhill from there. They must have had fun with it. A Million Exploding Suns. Enjoy.

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