Saturday, October 26, 2013

Asian Directors #2. - Shin'ya Tsukamoto

Shin'ya Tsukamoto is another interesting character on the asian movie scene. His first hit was Tetsuo, a black and white, completely surreal and unique vision of a human becoming a machine. When I've seen it for the first time I was surprised, I didn't know that you can make a movie like this - somewhere between Lynch and Cronenberg on the edge of insanity. He was the producer as well so I guess he could do whatever he wanted with the movie, and that's exactly how it looks, like a very intimate confession of a misunderstood artist.

Since then Shin'ya has made a second Tetsuo movie with a higher budget, even crazier visuals and lots of gore, Body Hammer is a worthy sequel topping the first one in almost every aspect - the only thing it can't do is to cause the same kind of effect the first did, the feeling of unknown, never before seen style of film making. 

Shin'ya's name became praised by fans of the weird all over the world, his movies have a cult following, so if you are into crazy visuals, experimental film making and you don't mind gore check out his films, you won't be disappointed. 

Tetsuo - The Full Movie:

Tetsuo 2 - Body Hammer Trailer:

Tokyo Fist Trailer:

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